Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Rest Area Picnics

My family and I recently took a road trip to visit some relatives. Our trip was about six hours long. We were traveling with two toddlers and a dog in the middle of the summertime. This made stopping for food or to go to the restroom a challenge. We had to stop with the girls, but we could not leave our dog in the car. So, I packed a picnic lunch for us to stop at a rest area. It was a perfect day for a picnic with nice weather. We let the children eat and gave them some time to run around. The girls loved being able to stretch their legs and play for a little while to break-up the trip.

Rest area picnics are safest with at least two adults in the middle of the day when several other travelers are having picnics too. It is quicker, cheaper, and healthier for your kids then stopping for fast food. Rest area picnics Work for Me.



  1. We have done this before and it worked well! It's a nice break from traveling and, as you said, much healthier than stopping for fast food!

  2. I LOVE picnics!

    By the way I think this is my first visit to your blog, I am looking for followers at any (or even all) of my blogs so feel free to go on over and say hello and follow my blog(s) and I'll be sure to return the favor!

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    Have a blessed rest of the week! :)

  3. We do that, too. Our boys are older so we pack a frisbe (or soccer ball) so we can all have a catch. The boys love it!
