Friday, September 18, 2009

Simple Fun with the Kids

My husband and I are always thrilled when we have a day that we don’t have any plans. Life is so much more fun when we have some time with the kids without a million things to do. It is during these times that we find simple and fun things to do with the kids. I think that a lot of people are confused about what kids really want. I believe that kids just want love and attention from their parents. The love part is easy, but finding time to give the children your undivided attention is a little more challenging.

When my husband has the day off of work we like to go to the park and have a picnic, take a walk together, or go out for ice cream. It is during these simple fun activities that we can put all of our focus on talking to the kids and giving them our undivided attention. These are the moments that we will all love and remember the most.


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