Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crossing Items Off Of Your List

We have been in our home for almost three years. Despite that, there were still several things remaining on our "To Do" list. We have recently begun earnestly attempting to cross those items off. We did a little furniture shuffling in our children's rooms to allow space for a reading chair for each of them since reading is our passion. We moved all of our exercise equipment into our spare room because commiting to fitness is high on my priority list. We also decided to spruce up our laundry room.

This green is my absolute favorite color! Since the laundry room is usually associated with a chore, why not change that image? My dear husband painted the room for me with my favorite shade (even though it took three coats to get the true depth of the color and despite the fact that painting doesn't rank up there on his list) and I am making it a space I will love to spend time in. It truly puts a smile on my face every time I walk in there now.

What items are on your "To Do" list that you have been putting off? Are there any you can tackle today? We're still working on our list, but our house is already more us with these minor, inexpensive changes.


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