Saturday, June 6, 2009

Donating to Locks Of Love

A few months ago, my daughter decided that she had tired of her long hair. She had worked for about a year to grow out her bangs and if she made a shoulder-length cut, her bangs would finally blend in. When she mentioned this, I saw an opportunity to teach her more about giving and sacrifice and mentioned the Locks Of Love program. She quickly agreed and even talked a friend into participating with her!

Neither girl was at the 10" donation point when they decided upon the idea. They were going to have to wait several more months, but decided that the time would be worthwhile. As luck would have it, a few months later, we saw a call for local donations for our area children's hospital. Locks Of Love had paired up with Great Clips and they were accepting 8" donations. Both girls were at that point, so we took them in. Great Clips provided a free cut and style for the girls, bagged the hair and gave them a certificate for their donation.

The pride that these two girls wore on their faces that day was worth all of the months of combing tangles and pulling up ponytails. They are very happy that they took the time to take care of their hair and to make the sacrifice to go a bit shorter than they had originally intended so that a local girl could have something that would make her feel proud as well. Because they each had such thick hair, they both donated four braids of almost identical color. Their fantasy now has their hair combined to make another little girl smile.

If you know someone who is looking to donate, please consider Locks Of Love and their fantastic program.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Great job girls (and mom). I have always wanted to do it but can never wait that long to let it grow~
